New Kitchen Remodeling & Renovation ideas in 2021

In 2020, our lifestyle has been changed because of lock-down due to pandemic. We have spent more time with our family at home. Without any doubt nowadays kitchens has morphed into epicenter of our home. Certainly, we must now realize why kitchen is the most important part of home, and why it is called heart of home. We had enough time to analyse our kitchen’s problems to decide for renovation. Your kitchen could have this vision in 2021.



It doesn’t matter how big your kitchen is, or how much money you can spend for makeover. Don’t be intimidated. If you want to change just cabinetry or tiles to latest 2021 design, even only painting is possible. Remodeling a kitchen mostly look like that you are cooking a culinary master piece. To start cooking, you prepare the ingredient, the same thing is in a kitchen renewal. There are items that you should take into account, which include cabinets, countertops, islands, flooring, backsplashes, light fixtures, appliances, sink& faucets, windows, and accessories.

To know how to start the renovation project, there are required sections that mentioned below:

  1. Select the style
  2. Set the budget
  3. Arrange a Time line
  • Select the Style

First step of remodeling your kitchen is choosing the proper style with utmost care. It seems style is easy to recognize, but not easy to describe. By considering your demands, a design trend is recommended to you. There are three main category which you can break your kitchen design into:


  • Contemporary Style
  • Traditional Style
  • Transitional Style


  • Contemporary Style Explanation

In Contemporary style simplicity is the key, which a modernist aesthetic has influence on it. It focuses on functionality and livability at present. Click to see more contemporary style

  • Traditional Kitchen Style

Traditional style is famous as a go-to style. Unlike contemporary kitchens which want to be appeared uniform, traditional kitchens let the owners to have more variety. To see different kitchens with traditional style click here

  • Transitional Style: Combination of Contemporary and Traditional Styles

With combination of contemporary and traditional styles Transitional style came to exist. More personal aesthetic is considering here which shows specific look. Here traditional design is trimmed with new material, paint and trend of current day equally. Find transitional style kitchens here



  • Set the Budget

At the moment you decide to remodel your kitchen, this is the first question that will come to your mind: How much does full kitchen Remodel cost for me?

Normally the cost has two parts:  Kitchen design service fee and kitchen products fee

Apparently, for similar services installers across the country charge different rates.  Besides, it is your choice to use budget materials or luxury materials.

On average kitchen renovation costs 75$ to 250$ per square foot.

Altair Kitchen Design able to offer the high level of quality while keeping our prices extremely low. How this could be possible? We provide required materials from the wholesalers. That’s why our products fee is one of the lowest in the market. This makes our niche special.


Did You Know That Altair Kitchen Design Consultation is Free!



  • Arrange a timeline

How long should it take to remodel a kitchen? The answer should be realistic. If you wish that your kitchen renovation be completed in time for Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays, a baby’s arrival, or even a home wedding, it would be helpful to inform us. Then we would be able to plan backward for proper start date. Then we set the remodeling schedule base on that date. It is obvious that the work duration depends on size of your kitchen and the style you selected. Typically a kitchen remodeling timeline is about 6 to 8 weeks, apart from design phase. Ordering and Shipping durations of the material are included in this weeks. But sometimes delivering wrong item could cause a delay. Replacing that item takes time.

Communication with client from design to accomplishment breaks the timeline. Usually, renovation timeline divided to 9 phase as below:

  • Planning and design stage
  • Materials ordering
  • Demo
  • Electrical layout
  • Mechanicals installation
  • Insulation, drywall, flooring installation
  • Cabinet and countertop installation
  • Finish stage and painting
  • Appliances, electrical fixtures, clean-up